First Alert CO410 Digital Carbon Monoxide Detector 3-Pack Battery Operated Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Digital Display and Peak Memory

First Alert CO410 Digital Carbon Monoxide Detector 3-Pack Battery Operated Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Digital Display and Peak Memory
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60% оƒƒ Dіѕсоunt First Alert CO410 Digital Carbon Monoxide Detector 3-Pack | Battery Operated Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Digital Display and Peak Memory | Electrochemical Sensor

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Style Family Gard Basics Smoke Alarm
Power Source Battery Powered
Item Dimensions LxWxH 8.13 x 7 x 9 inches
Sensor Type Electrochemical

  • ELECTROCHEMICAL CO SENSOR | Highly accurate sensor detects elevated carbon monoxide levels from faulty fuel-burning appliances, blocked chimneys, and running cars in the garage, even when gas can't be seen, smelled, or tasted
  • RELIABLE 85-DECIBEL SIREN | Effectively warns occupants of CO threat through sound; provides protection even when electricity fails or during power outages
  • DIGITAL DISPLAY | Easy-to-read backlit digital display provides a quick view of current and peak CO levels, plus threshold for dangerous levels; illuminates when button is pressed or an alarm is triggered
  • LOW BATTERY & END-OF-LIFE INDICATORS | Low-battery alert notifies when battery needs replacing; end-of-life signal notifies when the detector is nearing expiration
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Product Description

Did you know fuel-burning appliances, blocked chimneys, and running cars are all carbon monoxide threats? Secure your home or business against them with the First Alert Digital Carbon Monoxide Detector 3-Pack (CO410). Using an electrochemical carbon monoxide sensor that can sense gas even when it can’t be seen, smelled, or tasted, its easy-to-read digital display provides a quick view of current, peak, and dangerous CO levels, and illuminates when the button is pressed or an alarm is triggered. Once a threat is detected, the 85-decibel siren sounds, even in the event of an electricity failure or power outage. The low-battery indicator alerts you when it needs to be replaced, while the end-of-life signal notifies you when the detector is nearing expiration. Ensure its functioning properly with the test button that doubles as an alarm silencer. Its easy-to-use design doesn't require an electrician: Simply open the EZ access door, insert the included AA batteries, and the carbon monoxide detector is ready to go.

70% оƒƒ Dіѕсоunt First Alert CO410 Digital Carbon Monoxide Detector 3-Pack | Battery Operated Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Digital Display and Peak Memory | Electrochemical Sensor

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50% оƒƒ Dіѕсоunt First Alert CO410 Digital Carbon Monoxide Detector 3-Pack | Battery Operated Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Digital Display and Peak Memory | Electrochemical Sensor

Suреr Bіg Clеаrаnсе! First Alert CO410 Digital Carbon Monoxide Detector 3-Pack | Battery Operated Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Digital Display and Peak Memory | Electrochemical Sensor

Uр Tо 40% оƒƒ First Alert CO410 Digital Carbon Monoxide Detector 3-Pack | Battery Operated Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Digital Display and Peak Memory | Electrochemical Sensor

70% оƒƒ Evеrуthіng First Alert CO410 Digital Carbon Monoxide Detector 3-Pack | Battery Operated Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Digital Display and Peak Memory | Electrochemical Sensor

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