Fluke 80PK-26 SureGrip Tapered Temperature Probe

Fluke 80PK-26 SureGrip Tapered Temperature Probe
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🛒 Flаѕh Sаlе Fluke 80PK-26 SureGrip Tapered Temperature Probe

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Brand Fluke
Item Weight 0.3 Pounds
Screen Size 8 Inches

  • Type-K Thermocouple With Tapered Tip For Use In Air, Non-Caustic Gas And Surface Applications
  • 20. 32 Cm (8-Inch) Stainless Steel Probe
  • Measurement Range: -40 To 816 Degree Celsius
  • Sure grip Accessories Are Designed To Improve Steadiness In Slippery Hands
  • Rubber Over-Molded Surfaces And Finger-Hugging Curves Give The User A Comfortable, Reliable Grip

Product Description

Product Description

Fluke 80PK26 Type Thermocouple Sure Grip with Tapered Tip Temperature Probe is for use in air, noncaustic gas and surface applications. Measures a range of 40 to 816C. Features a one year .

From the Manufacturer

The Fluke 80PK-26 SureGrip Tapered Temperature Probe is a Type-K thermocouple probe with tapered tip for use in air, non-caustic gas and surface applications. With a 1-meter (39-Inch) lead, the 20.32 cm (8-Inch) stainless steel probe has a measurement range of -40 to 816 Degree Celsius. The SureGrip over-molded surfaces and finger-hugging curves give the user a comfortable, reliable grip and improves steadiness in slippery hands. The Fluke 80PK-26 SureGrip Tapered Temperature Probe is sold as one item per package. Expand your testing capability or update your tools with test lead sets and kits. Designed for industrial, electrical, and electronic needs, the collections range from starter to master test lead selections. Because they are an integral part of the complete measurement system, worn or under-rated test leads can cause inaccurate readings and pose a serious shock or electrocution hazard if live wires are read as being de-energized. To avoid these risks, use the correct test probe for the application. Fluke Corporation is the world leader in the manufacture, distribution and service of electronic test tools and software. Since its founding in 1948, Fluke has helped define and grow a unique technology market, providing testing and troubleshooting capabilities that have grown to mission critical status in manufacturing and service industries. From industrial electronic installation, maintenance and service, to precision measurement and quality control, Fluke tools help keep business and industry around the globe up and running.

Product Specifications
Specification for this product family

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Hоttеѕt Sаlеѕ Fluke 80PK-26 SureGrip Tapered Temperature Probe

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Blасk Frіdау Sаlе 2022 Fluke 80PK-26 SureGrip Tapered Temperature Probe

70% оƒƒ Dіѕсоunt Fluke 80PK-26 SureGrip Tapered Temperature Probe

Blасk Frіdау - 40% оƒƒ Fluke 80PK-26 SureGrip Tapered Temperature Probe

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