Exсluѕіvе Pop Up Receptacle Floor Outlet Countertop Box With W/20 A GFI Duplex Receptacle Stainless Steel

Exсluѕіvе Pop Up Receptacle Floor Outlet Countertop Box With W/20 A GFI Duplex Receptacle Stainless Steel
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🛒 Flаѕh Sаlе Pop Up Receptacle Floor Outlet Countertop Box With W/20 A GFI Duplex Receptacle Stainless Steel

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Brand Powertech
Color Brass
Material Stainless Steel
Item Dimensions LxWxH 4.7 x 4.7 x 2.65 inches
Amperage 20 Amps

  • 20A GFI outlets + Steel Box + 2 set Bolts + Installation Instruction
  • Size: Length 4.7" , Width 4.7", Height 2.65"
  • Pop up it to put plug of appliances into the power receptacle for charge when you need to use, hide it in your floor or countertop when you don’t need it
  • Brass nickle plated surface and white outlets.
  • Install on concrete construction, wood floor, marble counter top
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Product Description

The square hole need to be cut by a professional cutter in the desired location of the outlets you installed, different application may need different size of the square hole:
4-1/16" X 4-1/16" hole for the floor installation
3-9/16" X 3-9/16" hole for the countertop installation
Using the supplied steel box for the floor installation, fix the steel box on the bottom of the hole by the two screws provided. For the countertop assembly, no need to secure the steel box at this step
Run the wire into the steel box far away from the front fo the outlets, make sure the wires not interfere with the outlet when pop up and close
For the countertop installation, place the steel box on the back side of the square hole you cut, fix the outlet and steel box by the two long screws provided.
Be noted any excess wires in the steel box should be pushed out or made to be as flat as possible on the bottom of the steel box to avoid interference when pop up and close
Pop up and close the outlet by pulling the opening tab until outlet completely open and close to its lock place.

Amаzіng 🔥 Pop Up Receptacle Floor Outlet Countertop Box With W/20 A GFI Duplex Receptacle Stainless Steel

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Flаѕh Dеаlѕ - 80% оƒƒ Pop Up Receptacle Floor Outlet Countertop Box With W/20 A GFI Duplex Receptacle Stainless Steel

Prоmо Dіѕсоunt Uр Tо 70% оƒƒ Pop Up Receptacle Floor Outlet Countertop Box With W/20 A GFI Duplex Receptacle Stainless Steel

Bеѕt Cуbеr Mоndау 🔥 Pop Up Receptacle Floor Outlet Countertop Box With W/20 A GFI Duplex Receptacle Stainless Steel


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price review Pop Up Receptacle Floor Outlet Countertop Box With W/20 A GFI Duplex Receptacle Stainless Steel

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